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Juliette, GA

Juliette, Georgia, is a city located in Monroe County in the U.S. state of Georgia. Named for Juliette McCracken, daughter of a railroad engineer, the town formed with the merging of Brownsville and Iceberg. The film Fried Green Tomatoes was filmed there, and the town has been the focal point of two popular Southern humor books. After the filming of Fried Green Tomatoes, the sets used for the town's main street were renovated into a tourist district, complete with a fully operational "Whistle Stop Cafe".

Other movie productions set in Juliette were A Killing Affair, starring Peter Weller (1986); the documentary Fried Green Tomorrows: Juliette, Ga Lives] starring Danny Vinson, and The Cockfighter which was released in 1976 and starred Warren Oates.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





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Welcome to Juliete, GA

Lake Juliette Sailing Club

The Whistle Stop Cafe

Old Mill Motorcycle Museum

Jarrell House Bed & Breakfast

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Juliette Jam Festival

Juliette, GA

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